java.arg=-Dhttps.proxyHost=${proxy.host} java.arg=-Dhttps.proxyPort=${proxy.port} |
アンカー | ||||
"dtp.xxx" の行のコメントアウト(#)をはずし、Parasoft DTP への接続情報を入力します。
# === DTP SERVER SETTINGS === # Specifies host name of the DTP server. # Specifies port number of the DTP server. # Specifies user name for DTP server authentication. # Specifies password for DTP server authentication - use jtestcli -encodepass <PASSWORD> to encode the password, if needed. # Specifies name of the DTP project - this settings is optional. |
# === DTP SERVER SETTINGS === # Specifies host name of the DTP server. # Specifies port number of the DTP server. # Specifies user name for DTP server authentication. # Specifies password for DTP server authentication - use jtestcli -encodepass <PASSWORD> to encode the password, if needed. # Specifies name of the DTP project - this settings is optional. |
解析結果を DTP Standard にパブリッシュするには解析コマンドに「-Djtest.publish=true」を追加します。
demo>ant -f jtest.xml jtest-sae -Djtest.publish=true |